Careliner S

Hij tovert een glimlach op uw gezicht. Ook uw paard zal van de nieuwe Careliner S houden. Hij is overtuigend in zijn klasse dankzij kwaliteit, veiligheid en wendbaarheid en natuurlijk door onze aandacht voor detail. Kortom, een klasse apart. Voor jou!


  • The CARELINER I S is the first premium horse trailer for compact cars.
  • With the optional Bücker-LED-Paket with Bücker AMBIENT-LED-LIGHT, saddle compartment-LED light and interior BI-LED-LIGHT (can be switched to blue)
  • CARELINER design concept with contemporary, streamlined styling
  • Bücker LONG LIFE: Sandwich construction, hydrophobic and therefore rot-free
  • Full-height access door, lockable
  • Aerodynamically designed, tilting vent windows, tinted
  • Side kick protection
  • Side padding for extra safety for your horse
  • Breast/breech bars with adjustable height and length, individually customisable
  • Easy-to-use panic release feature
  • Rear loading flap with Bücker LONG-LIFE, rubber surface and step bars
  • Aluminium sandwich floor construction with a thick rubber layer, bonded and sealed
  • Longitudinal beam chassis Bücker BODY PROTECT, 100 kph with general operating licence, lowered for easier horse access
  • Galvanised, corrosion resistant chassis frame
  • 15” complete “steel” wheel
  • Mudguards made of polyester and therefore easy to clean
  • Automatic jockey wheel
  • Galvanised lateral struts including viewing slits and flush rear lighting as well as reversing and fog lights
  • Bright interior lighting
  • 13-pin connector

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2977 XD Goudriaan

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